Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chained Reaction

We have this really neat product that I'm sure not a lot of people really know about, it's called Chained Reaction. The Chained Reaction product is pre made strands of chain with beads, glass or gems on them. They're really fantastic, and can save a lot of time when you want your own fancy chain.

Pretty nice right? There's a lot of different ways you can use them. The easiest being a necklace, or part of a necklace.

This necklace uses one style of Chained Reaction and the Hush bead pack.

This necklaces uses two styles of Chained Reaction and the Orchid bead pack. 

This necklace uses one style of Chained Reaction and the Natural Beauty bead pack.

Necklaces aren't the only project you can make. If you don't have a lot of beads to work with, maybe something a little smaller like a bracelet would work out for you. 
This bracelet uses two styles of Chained Reaction and a single center bead. The clasp is from our Grand Finale collection.

The options are limitless when it comes to this product. You could make different types of chains or accessories. These are just different examples of different projects we've made with our product. Feel free to check them out!  


  1. nice chain work....we will also these more items in jaipur (India)

  2. Very Pretty, I love to use chain in my designs and they sell very well! I will have to check out these different styles! Thanks
